
We have made every effort to make the site as open as possible to modification for people with individual needs. Please follow the instructions below on how you can change the site. If you find parts of this site difficult to access, please contact us.

Modifying the text size and colours

Increasing the text size

The majority of this website has been designed to be legible at larger font sizes.

Use the build in text resize functionality of your browser

Modern browsers allow you to change the size of the text should you want to. To do this, hold down the Ctrl key and press + or - to increase or decrease text size respectively. On many browsers, you can also change the size of the text by using the scroll wheel while holding down the Ctrl key.

Change the default size settings of your browser or your computer

Please follow the instructions on how to change your text size settings on your computer from the BBC’s site; My Web My Way.

Modifying the colour contrast

Please follow the instructions on modifying text and background colours in your browser and on your computer on the BBC site My Web My Way [opens new window].

Navigating the site

Return to the home page

To return to the homepage of the website, please click on the Dyslexia-SpLD Trust logo (top left of the page).

Navigation menus

There are three navigation menus that you will find throughout the site:

  1. Header navigation
  2. Main navigation
  3. Footer navigation

Header Navigation

This is the horizontal navigation that sits at the top of the page. This has key information about the site including a link to this page.

Main Navigation

There are three large blue buttons just under the header section of the page. These will give you access to the key sections of the site.

Footer Navigation

At the bottom of the page, you will find footer links that point to important information about the site.


You can access any information on the site using the search functionality at the top left corner of the page.

Browser compatibility

This site is compatible with all modern browsers on all operating systems. Please note that we do not fully support Internet Explorer 6.

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